Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CONSERVATIVES, do you like the idea of splitting the USA with us LIBERALS?

The more I think about it the more I like it.

Let's divide the US into Liberals and Conservatives.

We've become like a party of hikers stranded on a mountain slope. Half want to stay put and wait for rescue, and the other half want to get as far back down the slope as they can. Both sides could be right, both are willing to stake their lives on their ideas, and both are ready to kill the other side for resisting what must be done. So, let's split up.

The Liberals get the Northeast and both coasts: the blue states. If we get all the blue states from 2008, that includes New Mexico, Colorado, and Florida. Also, Hawaii. I'd throw in Florida for the Conservatives just to sweeten the pot. I suggest we name ourselves the Social Democratic States of America. The SDSA.

The Conservatives get the big center of the country and the gulf coast states. And Alaska. I suggest you call yourselves the Christian Confederation of America. The CCA.

During the partition there will be some messy splits, and a lot of dramatic exoduses and ethnic cleansing. Most of the city of Austin will be Liberals trapped far behind enemy lines, in the very Capital city of the Christian Confederacy! They will have to evacuate to North Carolina. Conversely, the entire population of Western Michigan will have to make a run for Missouri. A lot of Wall Street guys will be flying their private jets one - way to Dallas, while a lot of Liberal millionaires will say goodbye to their Montana ranches forever.

We have to split the federal debt and each pay off half, because both Rep. and Dems have borrowed all that money. Right now national debt is 12.9 trillion. A little less than half of that added up during the administration of Pres. George W. Bush (sorry, just had to point it out).

The Christian Confederation will eliminate income and business taxes, but they still have to find a way to pay back $6.5 trillion without that revenue. Take State revenues in Texas, the capital of the CCA. They make $21 million a year in sales tax and $26 million in income tax. Without income, sales tax will go to around 20%. Then, to pay make their federal debt payments, they may have to double that, maybe to 40% sales tax. Also, a lot of that is Social Security, which red - staters have been paying all their lives. I don't know if you're going to just tell all those would - be retirees that their money is gone, or pay them all back their money in one lump sum (in which case you'll have to borrow trillions more) or keep paying Social Security, but that's pretty Socialist.

Meanwhile, in the SDSA, taxes will be roughly like those in Western Europe. Most will pay 25%. The wealthiest pay a lot more income tax than now, up to 50% in the $1 million/ year income bracket. However, no one will have any medical, prescription, or education expenses.

We each get half of the military, because we both paid for it. So we each have enough nukes to keep us from invading each other.

Social Democratic States of America


all blue states; northeast and coastal states.

Multicultural, secular, republic, dedicated to ideals of mutual tolerance, freedom, and human rights.

Member and foremost donor to United Nations.

Signatory to all major international treaties on human rights, disarmament, and environment.

Secretary of Science and Technology is a cabinet position. Congressional Office of Science is established to review policy proposals. Science research receives high levels of funding, technology progresses.

Open immigration, open guest worker passes. Guest workers put downward pressures on wages for labor.

High income tax. Most Americans pay 25% federal income tax. Over 50% for those earning over $1,000,000/ year..

Single payer health care for all. No medical expenses for covered services for citizens. Some procedures deemed unproven, cosmetic, or futile, not covered.

Entrepreneurs and businesses pay nothing for employee medical insurance.

Free public college education for any who pass entrance exams.

Few energy reserves. Large fuel imports. Intensive investment in renewable energy and later generation nuclear reactors.

Military spending reduced to a level needed to defend SDSA territory, plus expeditionary forces for UN.

Strong ties with Europe and Asia lead to increased trade and financial investment.

Blue states had average incomes about $10,000 higher than red states at time of partition. High educational achievement, international trade and investment, and technological innovation, lead to increasing household incomes.

Women choose when and if to start families.

Homosexuals granted full marriage rights

Christian Confederacy of America


All red states; south, central, and gulf coast states.

Christian confederacy of states. Dedicated to Jesus Christ, to freedom, and to the heritage of America. All non - Christian citizens and houses of worship are required to register with local governCONSERVATIVES, do you like the idea of splitting the USA with us LIBERALS?
Nope. This is a conservative country. The Constitution is a conservative document. Therefore, it's our country.

How about Conservatives all chip in and buy all you libs one way tickets to France?
No need, Conservatives can move to a Conservative county that they dream of, like Iran.CONSERVATIVES, do you like the idea of splitting the USA with us LIBERALS?
Destroying America has always been the cons' plan.
I'd rather Texas just secede from all of you.CONSERVATIVES, do you like the idea of splitting the USA with us LIBERALS?
I like the idea of Texas seceding. Liberals will not last very long being anti-war and pro-union/pro-welfare. If you think conservatives are the real enemy then you have already lost
And they say there's difference between both sides. Yeah right.
Sounds good, but we in the SDSA need some arable land to feed the population as well or we'll be importing it.
Sounds like you're giving the 2 largest ports in the country to the red thanks. The largest ports in the country are on the Gulf Coast and is were pretty much all of the nation's oil is refined. It wouldn't be long before the blue states needed to borrow money.
What would make the most sense is for the liberals to move to North Korea, where you will feel right at home.
without reading any of your asinine details, sure, sounds great. Just don't come begging us for money when your fundamentally flawed fiscal policy comes home to roost.
You have quite the imagination, don't you? You can't honestly believe that things would go down like that, do you? And way to generalize, btw. Typical liberal: claim to be understanding, but assume that a conservative nation would be all Christians. Way to go you stupid ****.
I like the idea of democratic republic, and a constitutional democracy, bound by the rule of law, as embodied in the Current US constitution, united and apportioned into states, currently set to 50. I think all territory currently held under US jurisdiction should remain so indefinitely.
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