Monday, February 20, 2012

Do all toy poodles have a long snout?

I love the toy poodle's personality and everything, but I've seen toy poodles with really long snouts. Do all toy poodles have a long snout?Do all toy poodles have a long snout?
A Poodle's muzzle should be in proportion to the head:

Length from occiput to stop about the same as length of muzzle.

Anything much longer or much shorter is not typical. Unfortunately, there are a lot of really poorly bred Poodles out there which is why you get such differences.Do all toy poodles have a long snout?
The snout your describe is one of the defining characteristics for the poodle breed. Without this snout it would not even be a poodle at all.

If you are going for a shorter snout you can try one of the many popular mixed breeds (pug-poo, yorkie-poo, lhasa-poo, shih- poo) and most of these will have a shorter wider snout. Or something similar without the snout like a Bichon.

Good LuckDo all toy poodles have a long snout?
Nope! Not all toy's are the same. I have two toy poodle's, both under 7 lbs. One is 3 inches taller than the other, has a long snout and is petite in every way. The other is short, stocky and stubby all around. Now of course, neither of them are show dogs, they are family so I don't care which one has what... their personalities are great... and even their personalities come from two sides of the spectrum.
all the poodles i've seen have long snouts...

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