Sunday, February 26, 2012

What would be a good toy for my grandson's first birthday?

Something to aid in development over the next few months, and ideally under $50.What would be a good toy for my grandson's first birthday?
How about a kinderklavier?

It's a toy Piano. My Grandmother bought one for me when I was 17 months. It was how I familiarized myself with the piano and I've been playing ever since.

Even if he doesn't end up playing, most children still love the sound it makes by hitting the keys. You can get them looking like miniature piano's or colorful children's toys. They usually have one octave for the child to play on.

You can get the type with just eight keys which make an animal sounds and have a little toy figure pop up, or have so pre-recorded sound or you can get those which actually play a musical note as the child hits the key.

They can range anywhere from $15 - $100 depending on how complicated you want them and they're a nice small size so storage won't be a problem.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Talking, interactive books are another good choice, helping the child to read or at least hear words and work on their phonetics.

Those mega bloks are fun and can help the child with hand-eye co-ordination and encourage their design and creativity.鈥?/a>

The soft nerf balls are good as they can be tossed around without having to worry about breakage or injury. They can also be gripped easily and cuddled.鈥?/a>
A ball pit or a ride on toy. Or a few of the Baby Einstein dvd's.What would be a good toy for my grandson's first birthday?
get him a four wheeler.. couldn't see anything wrong happening there.. lol
Not a ball pit!

Best toys are stacking cups - only $8 I think

Blocks or MegaBlocks

Melissa %26amp; Doug brand wooden colour puzzle

Alphabet flash cards

A gender-neutral doll (not the first thing people think of, but excellent to help him learn to "take care" of people, and model behavior/playact)

Good Crayola crayons

Magnadoodle board (Dollar-store has little ones for $2!)

An Aquadoodle

A rubbery medium size ball with a texture on it, so it is easy to grip

PlaySkool Ball Popper

Board Books by Sandra Boynton

Play plates and cups

Fist-sized soft-ish car or truck, ambulance or fire truck

Fisher Price Little People

All of the above helped my daughter immensely. SHe knew her colours by 13 mths as a result!What would be a good toy for my grandson's first birthday?
yes the ball pit is good. Also stacking blocks or anything by leapfrog brand. can get board books...colours, shapes, abc's, 123's, etc...

balls....balls of all sizes...and colours....they LOVE balls

or better a bag of prepared for a lot of blowing (might wanna invest in balloon blower)...and have oodles of can throw them without hurting anything or anyone...balloons are the best form of entertainment here...we have a blast (and our daughter is 3 now....she still LOVES when we fill a room with them)

all of these can be found in the dollarstores (that's where i do most of my shopping---love the dollarstores) :)

Good Luck

n Have Fun


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