Thursday, February 23, 2012

What is the best way to clean a stuffed toy if there are no instructions on the label?

I have two penguin teddies and one penguin pillow, and I have had them for a while. They are starting to get a little dirty and dusty. How is best to clean them if they don't have a label with laundering instructions on them? More to the point, would they be safe to launder, hand wash or otherwise? Any help would be excellent, as I love these penguins so much and I would be so very distraught if harm came to any of them in the middle of cleaning them.What is the best way to clean a stuffed toy if there are no instructions on the label?
I'd only give them a surface clean with a damp cloth otherwise you are in danger of completely ruining them.
I believe if these items mean that much to you, I'd contact a professional dry cleaner and ask their opinion. It's hard to say what may have been used for "stuffing" in these items. A professional would have a better opinion than most of us, or could at least send you in the right direction for help!What is the best way to clean a stuffed toy if there are no instructions on the label?
place in a pillow case tie shut. place in washer with a small amount of detergent. wash with cold water and rinse with cold water.
I have had success just tossing stiffed animals in the dryer with NO heat, and a couple of dryer sheets. The tumbling will knock the dust off, and the sheets will freshen their smell.What is the best way to clean a stuffed toy if there are no instructions on the label?
Put them in a pillow case and put on a normal wash. Keep temp to 40 degrees or less. Don't use bleach. If they are very grubby pre wash them. Don't tumble dry - leave them to dry naturally.
you could wash them on a cool cycle, or if you don't want to risk putting them in the machine, just hand wash them and hang them outside to dry =)
Stuff it in a pillow case and tie the end shut and wash it with the whites and tumble dry low heat.

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