Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why does my female dog wraunch on her stuffed toy like a male dog in heat?

Here is the pattern ..she wraunches the toy..kicks it between her back legs...then holds it in her mouth like a pacifier while lying down.Why does my female dog wraunch on her stuffed toy like a male dog in heat?
dogs hump to show dominance and they show this many ways leading u while u walk is another and ever seen two dogs and one turns to let the other sniff its butt that is submissive showing the other dogs dominance so its telling its toys its in charge
Because her stuffed toy is hot.Why does my female dog wraunch on her stuffed toy like a male dog in heat?
dominance ...all dogs have dominance even females
showing dominanceWhy does my female dog wraunch on her stuffed toy like a male dog in heat?
Like a male dog in heat? Male dogs cannot go into heat.

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